I can't tell you how excited I was when this mama contacted me and told me she wanted one last shoot as a family of three before baby #2 arrives in May, AND she wanted it to take place out in the snow! It's not often that a family will brave the cold with me, but the images are so different than your typical bright spring, summer and colorful fall images, that snow images are some of my favorites! With all the snow that we have had this winter, scheduling was no problem at all! We picked a day when the temps were supposed to be a little warmer, but boy oh boy did we still freeze our tails off. I do have to say, being from the south and not accustomed to the cold Chicago winters, this family was still well prepared with pocket hand warmers for everyone! Little Mr. G here is quite possibly one of the most polite little 4 year olds I have EVER met and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, because Mom is an absolute doll and Dad is a true southern gentleman-- he carried my stuff, loaded it and even started my car for me! Now how 'bout that! Only a few months until I get to see this sweet family again and I am so looking forward to meeting the new addition and taking his newborn pics!