I can't even stand how much I love this session. I think it is because it was such a nice change of pace. It isn't often that my clients want an urban session so when this family agreed to one, I was super excited. We started off with some fun in the park-- Daddy play time and mommy snuggles, and then wrapped that part of the shoot up with a leaf fight-- oh the joys of fall!

Then we moved streetside and took some pictures on the curb, in front of store fronts and running up and down the sidewalks. The sun was setting just perfectly and the joy and life in this family is just glowing. I can't wait for baby number three to arrive. These kiddos are going to be so in love with that baby as soon as it arrives.

When the shoot was over, Dad helped buckle these two into a fun vintage car and so of course I had to grab a few shots. I love the reflection of the tree behind me on the windshield of the car! Can't wait til the next time I see this family when they are a party of FIVE!
