This family wanted a shoot near water, because some of their best times are spent together out ON the water. We chose a location that is right nearby and I loved shooting there. The only thing is that you have to be a Crystal Lake resident to park there for free :-/ This mama has me by 1-- one more boy than me and man does she rock the mom of all boys roll, well! They are super active in scouts and sports and she is right there doing it all with them and their biggest cheerleader on the sidelines. I can't even tell you how many times she stopped my toddler from running onto the baseball diamond during games. She is AWESOME! Enjoy some pics of this gorgeous family of 6. We had so much fun together!

The silly one.

The oldest.
14 yr old boys aren't always the most excited about having their picture taken, but I love how these shots capture his attempt at avoiding the Mom + Son shots. I think it was all an act-- he LOVED the attention and the more he fought it, the more love he got!

The darling baby.

I think it's always so important to snap a few shots of mom and dad alone, together. Their connection is how it all began and one day when the kids are all grown and out of the house, it will be just the two of them and their love for one another.

The athlete.