This sweet family grew by 20 tiny fingers and 20 tiny toes this past December. Twin boys, M and C joined their sweet big sister M, in this wonderful family. March marked Miss M's 2nd birthday and the boy's 3 month birthday, so Mom arranged for a lifestyle shoot to capture this new crazy life of theirs as a family of 5, as well as to celebrate each little one's milestone. To say I loved every minute of this shoot would be an understatement, and I think from the number of images I am about to share, you can see how much I love what we captured as well. Believe it or not, this is just a portion of their gallery!
I decided to start off our session with Miss M. Afterall, it's not easy for any little one to take on the roll of big sister and suddenly have to share all the attention. I wanted her to know I was there to visit with HER and that we were going to have some one-on-one fun together.

We headed up to her room for a little play time. Miss M wanted to show me around her room-- show me her hair ties, shoes and her closet--- your typical girly girl! Then she read me a book, rocked on her rocking horse and jumped in her crib--- what a blast! I think she knew we were breaking some rules! We had so much fun together and as you can see there was lots of silliness going on!

Sweet girl carries her blankets everywhere. I love capturing little ones with their blanket or lovie. Those items are so important to them in their little world and should always be remembered.

After some playtime, we headed downstairs for some pictures with the first baby in the family, fur baby Mikki. Lots of kisses for puppy!

A quick family shot and more kisses for baby brothers!

While Miss M grabbed a quick snack, I took some shots of mom and dad with the babies.....

and then some shots of just mom and her boys. I told her to just breathe and soak up the moment, because life with three babies rarely allows you the time to take it all in. These moments, as crazy and chaotic they might seem right now are fleeting. You only get to experince them once and they will be missed. Don't let life pass you by.

When Miss M had caught her second wind, we headed back upstairs to the master bedroom for some more fun and family shots. Sweet girl sure loves her baby doll!

Now any family picture is hard for a photographer to capture, but throw in a two year old and twin 3 month old babies and you have a real challenge! I have to say, I LOVE these family shots. They are playful and happy and show the true essence of this family--- SO MUCH LOVE. I'm smitten with every.single.shot.

I remember when mama shared with me that she was having twins. I was so excited for her and asked her how she felt. She told me she felt blessed beyond belief but at the same time, as any mother would feel, felt nervous about how this would affect her very close relationship with her daughter. She didn't want anything to come between them or lessen their bond. Well she is doing GREAT. It may be hard for a once only child to turn into the oldest of three, and there may be a bit of adjustment time needed, but Miss M is doing wonderfully and it is because of the amazing job her parents and grandparents are doing with her to help her through the transition. She loves her mommy through and through and to me, it looks like she is really starting to adore those baby brothers of hers. I think she is starting to figure out that she was just given the best gift of her life... not one, but TWO siblings!

I am sure when you have twins, there is very little time to really enjoy each twin without the other baby needing something, let alone 2 yr old big sis wanting and needing attention, too. I wanted to get some shots of mom with each baby, just loving on them and soaking up each boy, alone, without interruption. This is Mom with Baby C, who was the smaller twin at birth but the bigger baby of the two now!

After loving on baby C, it was time for some quiet, tender moments with Baby M. Twins, yes, but tiny men with such different personalities they also are! For me, I found C to be the more serious of the two and M to be the smiley guy. What fun it will be for mom and dad to watch their little personalities form. Oh and what trouble these two brothers will create together! Fun times!

Finally, it was time to snag a few special shots of Daddy with his boys. We went into their super awesome nursery for this. Mom did a great job putting together a very "boy" room! Dad spent some time with just Baby C while baby M grabbed a few minutes of shut-eye. It was the sweetest thing to watch C kick and coo while daddy talked to him <3

Baby C on the left and Baby M on the right. Two gorgeous boys <3

Daddy with his baby M.

Twins. Brothers. Partners in crime. Best friends forever. I simply cannot wait to watch these boys grow!