I dont think I have ever written a personal post for this blog, so for some of you this will be the first peek into my family life. I've decided to share because this was my first time shooting on a beach at sunset and while it took everyone's involvement to get these pictures (my eight yr old son literally got the camera for a while, too), they are some of my favorites.
This year for the kid's Spring Break, we decided to drive down to my in-laws beautiful condo in Estero, FL. They are Indiana residents but bought the location as a vacation home-- one that they have beautifully decorated and equipped with everything anyone could need to have a great time. They have also so graciously shared it with all of their children and grandchildren. They have owned the condo for several years now, but we have never visited it because my parents are Florida residents and I've always felt that if we were going to make the long haul down south that it is only right to see them. Well this time, we did both. We stopped for a visit with my parents on the way down and then my mom also came to spend a day with us at my in-law's place. To say we had an amzing time would be the understatement of the year. The weather was absolutely perfect and facilities where we were fortunate enough to stay at were top notch. Life up north is so busy for us between work, school, and afterschool activities so it was great to just chill out, but we also decided to do something special every day we were there. On our last evening, we went to Bonita Beach for some family pictures... Enjoy!

I look at these pictures and I still cannot believe these boys are mine. This family of mine... how did I get so lucky?

My youngest son, Emmett, in his glory. Never have I seen my littlest THIS happy. His face lit up as soon as he saw the ocean and he kicked sand in our eyes as he took off running for the water.

Emmett, so full of personality. He is a silly little one and perhaps a bit spoiled... just a bit <3 My baby <3

My sweet, sweet Owen. Every day is the BEST day ever according to Owen. I hope that attitude never changes <3

As you can see here, Emmett doesn't like sharing his parents with his siblings. I don't think he quite understands that his daddy is THEIR daddy, too!

This boy-- Carter, my first born son. When I look at this picture... his face-- those freckles and braces--- where has the time gone? I don't remember him getting this old!!! He is turing into the most amazing kid and is a total mama's boy and I can't say that I mind it one single bit <3 He has an old soul and a heart of pure gold.

Thankfully, I have been able to teach my husband a few things about using a camera so that I can be in a few shots with the kids, too. I may have weight to lose, I may need my roots touched up (this shoot was thrown together last minute) but I know that those details don't matter. What matters is that I am with my babies in these pictures and one day they will have them to look back on and see that I was there and SEE the love I have for them.

I handed Carter the camera for a go playing paparazzi and he captured me with Owen. Owen is my free spirit and creative guy, like his mama <3

Brothers and best friends.

While the camera was still in Carter's hands, I had him take a shot of me with my husband, Wes. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I could not imagine a better life than the one we have built together <3

Last but not least, a stranger offered to take a family picture of us and although we were worn out from a long day and completely wind-blown.... ta da!
My family. My heart.